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50 Caliber Weapons

A 50 caliber weapon uses ammunition that measures approximately .5 inches in diameter. The barrel of the gun will be very close to that diameter, allowing a little extra room for the ammunition to move through the barrel.

5o caliber handguns are not used as frequently as they had been in the past. Previously,most 50 caliber handguns utilized black powder to fire the weapon. As weaponry became more advanced,with the advent of smokeless powder for example, 5o caliber weapons became less popular. Eventually, newer guns began to use the 50 caliber ammunition slightly more frequently, because manufactures developed better weapons which used the large caliber ammunition. However, 50 caliber weapons are still not as popular as those with a lower or smaller caliber ammunition.

Due to the size of the ammunition and the diameter of the weapon, 50 caliber handguns tend to be much heavier than weapons of another caliber. The size of the gun is partially due to the recoil which occurs when ammunition of that caliber ifs fired.

There are automatic and single shot handguns which use 50 caliber ammunition. However, these weapons are often impractical for most situations, such as law enforcement due to the weight and size of a gun required to handle that ammunition. Instead, these guns are usually used for hunting, rather than other activities which include guns, such as target practice. However, these guns are often featured in many video games and are sometimes found on the shooting ranges.

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